vendredi 23 mai 2008

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 9.0

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 9.0

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 9.0
Mavis Beacon has taught millions of people how to type or improve their typing. Incluces on-screen guide hands, better adaptive response technology, eight sport, culture lessons, live action videos, and much more!

Customer Review: Excellent product!

This is a amusing program and yields immediate results. My kids couldn't wait to provide it a try and I have high hopes that issued a bit more time, they will make huge progress towards being effiecient typers! I had amusing too! It employs your competitive spirit to do a bit improved the next time - addictive.

Customer Review: THE BEST!!!

I am 16 years old now. I use Mavis Beacon when i was about 9 because a twosome of months. I skilled like it wasn't working so i stopped and perodically completed it once in a short time until i was 10 or 11. I am now in the 10th quality. I have never taken a pc class or typing class in school and I type at 56 adjust words per minute. People inquire enjoys me how i learned to type as quickly as i do at a young period. When i was in the 6th quality i typed at about 40 adjust wpm. which is still pretty excellent! It may seem like it's not working but in the long run you'll start to type while watching tv etc. As a matter of detail, I'm looking at the tv right now as I type this review. lol! This program is GREAT! It really works, particularly because younger kids. It's not hard at ALL and has really huge sport. It may be a challenge initially but soon you'll be typing much quicker than when you start to use it. I HIGHLY recommend this program. It is VERY excellent!!!!

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